Flower Arranging and Floral Art

As I have said elsewhere, my passion at the moment (and for the past 10+ years) is floral art – art with flowers.  I have a couple of websites that focus on this passion:

Floral Art Online

These days there is often not enough time for us to attend regular meetings and activities associated with our creative outlets.

In order to give my worldwide circle of fellow floral designers an opportunity to learn and compete without the need for meetings, travel or scheduling a specific time, I developed this site.

Here you will find a monthly competition open to all members, weekly examples and instructions on judging, mechanics and techniques of floral designs and a place to access this information at a time that suits you.

I hope to see a few entries in the competition area from you soon!

Floral Art Coach

This service combines my floral design passion with my extensive experience in coaching people to improve their public speaking skills. It is specifically for international floral designers who demonstrate to large audiences at flower shows around the world.


If you are looking for my latest endorsed floral art product – Floral Art Fingers – click here

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